Hiking Bus - Timetables
The current hiking bus timetables in the Lechtal as well as the taxi timetables to the side valleys of the Lechtal can be found on the TVB-Lechtal website
Summer timetables | Reutte - Weißenbach - Elbigenalp - Steeg - Lech am Arlberg and return
valid in the period 19.06. - 04.10.2020 (German)
Summer timetable | line Jöchelspitze - Gramais - Kaisers
valid in the period 19.06. - 01.11.2020 (German)
Special timetables:
Madautal - scheduled taxi (E5) - daily from June - October 2020
Stablalm Taxi - every Thursday (for prices and details see https://www.lechtal-info.com/huetten/stablalm.html)
All information without guarantee!