Augsburg High Trail, Lechtal Alps

The Augsburg High Trail is a very demanding and long high trail in the Lechtal Alps. The path is the connection between the Ansbacher Hütte and the Augsburger Hütte. The high alpine trail runs in the Lechtal Alps at altitudes of just under 3000 m and is considered very demanding. The walking time without ascent and descent is about 8 to 10 hours in good conditions. The Augsburger Höhenweg can be walked from both directions and is approximately equally challenging.


There is a marked path from the Ansbach hut to the Kopfscharte between the bull's head and the bull's head. Continue on the rocky terrain to Winterjöchl and continue on the marked path below the Grießmuttekopf to the Parseierscharte. Here stands the Roland Ritter bivouac box, an emergency accommodation equipped with four beds and always open, on the Augsburger Höhenweg. Between Parseierscharte and Dawinscharte you have to cross the northern flank of the iron tip. (danger of falling rocks) The 50 degree steep flank is often icy and is considered the most challenging part of the Augsburg high trail. From Dawinscharte we continue towards Dawinkopf, which at 2970 m is also the highest point of the trail. From Dawinkopf the Augsburger Weg runs past the Bocksgartenspitzen to the Grinner Ferner and on to the Augsburger Hütte.

The Augsburg High Trail is technically and conditionally very demanding and often icy, therefore only very experienced climbers should take this trail without a mountain guide. In addition, appropriate equipment as well as absolute freedom from vertigo and surefootedness are absolutely necessary! Even in good conditions the ascent of the Augsburg High Trail can be very dangerous!

The photos show the Augsburger Höhenweg including ascent and descent. From Madau through the Alperschon valley, follow the Augsburger Höhenweg and from Grinner Ferner via the Patrolscharte to Memminger Hütte.

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