Mahdbergalpe near Kaisers

Only a few hikers get lost on the Mahdbergalpe in the Lechtal Alps during the summer months. The Hochalm lies at about 1825 m in the western flank of the Almajur valley and is connected to the outside world via a gravelled goods road. A hike up the Mahdbergalpe usually starts at the Almajurtal junction on the national road to Kaisers. The starting point is connected to the local hiking bus network and can also be reached by car. The first part of the hike takes place in a slight gradient in the direction of the Almajur valley up to the junction Mahdbergalpe. (About 1500 m before the Bodenalpe). Subsequently, a gravel road with a moderate and constant gradient leads to the 1825 m high alpine pasture. Those who take on the exertions will be rewarded with an excellent view of the surrounding mountain landscape. Photos by Esther Kerber

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